“…The additional requirement in the Appendix demonstrations is that k j 3 I, Vj, where k j denotes the number of groups with intracluster correlation r j and k k 1 Á Á Á k q . Then, it follows from Silvapulle and Silvapulle (1995) that the limit distribution of T S , under H, is a mixture of chi-square distributions, namely T S 3 h w 0 q; A rr c 2 0 w 1 q; A rr c 2 1 Á Á Á w q q; A rr c 2 q , where w`q; A rr 's are known as level probabilities (see definition and expressions, for instance, in Shapiro, 1985), which are expressed as functions of correlation coefficients associated with the matrix A rr , that is here a q  q matrix. These correlation coefficients are the minimum information necessary to compute the asymptotic null distribution of T S because w`q; A rr depends on A rr only through its correlation matrix.…”