Literature study and analysis on mobile agents reveal many challenging and uncovered aspects that still do not have comprehensive solutions. Despite the fact that significant research has been carried out on mobile agents, it is still not widely adopted by industry and research community because of the immaturity of various technical aspects of agent paradigm. One of the main reasons that limits the scope of the potential applications of mobile agents is the lack of reliable security solutions for mobile agents' code and their baggage. The protection of mobile agents' codes has been solved by the research community to some extent; however, there is not even a single solution that provides complete protection and access control mechanism for agents' code and their baggage (data being accumulated/ carried by agent during execution). Most of the existing solutions such as execution tracing, code obfuscation, encrypted code execution and partial result encapsulation mainly cover security threats of mobile agents' code. In this paper, we present a security solution to overcome the security threats on traditional mobile agents computing paradigm. Our proposed solution is one step ahead of extant solutions in that it provides complete protection and enforces access control on agents' complex baggage structure. We have extended our previous work that was limited to the protection of agents and the agent platforms only. Our approach provides holistic access control mechanism between users and agents, agents and agent platform resources and platform and agents baggage. By adopting the proposed solution in the mobile agent-oriented software engineering, secure and complex mobile agent-based applications can be developed, which will greatly benefit the software industry.