Viscoelastic properties of symmetric poly(styrene-b-2vinylpyridine)s (SP), whose thermorheological properties of components are identical, are studied over a wide range of molecular weight M for nanophase separated melts. Plateau modulus G 0 N for SP was almost the same with those of components. At low angular frequency ω, power law behavior of dynamic moduli of SP, G* SP ∼ ω 0.5 , is observed. When a universal liquid-like behavior exists between plateau and power law regions for G* SP , the latter can be attributed to motions of grains/defects. By subtracting the responses from grains/defects from G* SP , the responses from component chains, ΔG* chain , are obtained. At M/M e < 1.5−2 per components, ⟨τ⟩ w (= η 0 J e ), obtained from ΔG* chain , showed the same M dependence with PS, but the magnitude was about 1 order higher than PS. At M/M e > 1.5−2, ⟨τ⟩ w can be fitted to exp(νM/M e ) with ν = 2, implying that the retraction mode becomes dominant for relaxation of entangled SP. At M/M e > 6−7, the power law behavior is smoothly connected with plateau region, without showing liquid-like behavior, denoting that the junction is practically frozen in the interface at M/M e > 6−7.