Abstract-Neurotransmitter release from neurons involves both vesicular trafficking and subsequent fusion of synaptic vesicles with the plasma membrane. The mechanisms involving the formation and fusion of vesicles that allow the exocytotic release of transmitters are understood well. Little is known, however, about the signaling mechanism involved in the trafficking of vesicles along the neurites. In this study, we used real-time confocal microscopy to search for evidence that vesicular trafficking in neurons requires the activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) signaling pathway. Dopamine--hydroxylase fused to green fluorescent protein has been used to trace vesicular movement. Angiotensin II, an established neuromodulatory hormone, stimulates translocation of green fluorescent protein-dopamine--hydroxylase vesicles from the cell body to neurites. This translocation was blocked by an antisense oligonucleotide to PKC and MARCKS. Stimulation of PKC by other means, such as phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate or carbachol, also resulted in the redistribution of fluorescence in a manner similar to that observed for angiotensin II. These observations demonstrate that PKC-MARCKS signaling may be a general mechanism for the stimulation of vesicular trafficking in brain neurons. Key Words: oligonucleotides, antisense Ⅲ brain Ⅲ neuroregulators Ⅲ norepinephrine Ⅲ signal transduction B oth evoked and enhanced neuronal release of transmitters involves trafficking of vesicles along neurites after fusion at the synaptic terminal and the release of exocytosis. 1-2 As a result of extensive investigations during the last 2 decades, the signal transduction mechanism by which synaptic vesicles are formed and subsequently release their transmitters and other contents is fairly well understood. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Little is known, however, about the signaling mechanism that triggers the trafficking of vesicles from the cell body to the synaptic terminal. Thus, our objective in this investigation was to characterize this signaling system with the use of hypothalamic and brainstem neurons in primary culture and angiotensin II (ang II) as a neuromodulatory hormone. Our rationale for electing to use this experimental system was as follows.(1) Primary neuronal cultures from the hypothalamus and brainstem areas contain approximately 30% catecholaminergic neurons, and they have been used as an excellent in vitro model to elucidate the regulation of norepinephrine (NE) synthesis, release, and uptake in the brain. 7,10 (2) These neurons provide an excellent electrophysiological and biochemical model with which to study the cellular and molecular basis of physiological actions such as sympathetic activity, baroreflexes, and vasopressin secretion. 7,10 -11 (3) Stimulation of the neuronal ang II Type 1 receptor (AT 1 R) results in a pattern of NE neuromodulation similar to that seen in the in vivo situation. [12][13][14] (4) The intracellular signal transduction mechanisms that un...