This paper proposes a novel power system protection scheme in the power system including high temperature superconducting cables (HTS cables) and high temperature superconducting fault current limiters (HTSFCLs). The superconducting power system utilizes the large-capacity and environment-friendly characteristics of superconducting power equipment. Since the superconducting devices are one of the most optimal solutions to enhance the robustness of the power system, especially in Icheon substation in Korea, the protection of the conservative relays and additional relays, differential and instantaneous overcurrent relays, should be alternated with a new optimal protection coordination under the changed system configurations. To find the optimal protection scheme, the power system with existing power devices, conservative relays, HTS cables, and fault current limiter has to be modeled in Icheon substation and the novel protection scheme has been verified through RTDS test with real-time relay test.