An integrated wind turbine generating system in a DC transmission system with power compensation systems has been proposed and its steady-state performances have been analyzed. In this paper, the kVA capacity of the power compensation systems connected to the sending-end and the receiving-end grids and wind turbine generators is discussed. A set of system equations is first derived. The effects of the sendingend grid conditions on the kVA capacity of the power compensation systems are explored. It is shown that, although the effect of the sending-end grid power factor on the kVA capacity of the sending-end compensation system is small, the effect of the power factor on the kVA capacity of the receivingend compensation system is large. The appropriate turns ratios of the transformers are also studied. Finally, the kVA capacity of the wind turbine generators is discussed.
II. DERIVATION OF STEADY-STATE EQUATIONSHere, the equations needed to discuss the kVA capacity of the system are developed. Fig. 2 shows an equivalent circuit