A measure is 1-recti able if there is a countable union of nite length curves whose complement has zero measure. We characterize 1-recti able Radon measures µ in n-dimensional Euclidean space for all n ≥ in terms of positivity of the lower density and niteness of a geometric square function, which loosely speaking, records in an L gauge the extent to which µ admits approximate tangent lines, or has rapidly growing density ratios, along its support. In contrast with the classical theorems of Besicovitch, Morse and Randolph, and Moore, we do not assume an a priori relationship between µ and 1-dimensional Hausdor measure H . We also characterize purely 1-unrecti able Radon measures, i.e. locally nite measures that give measure zero to every nite length curve. Characterizations of this form were originally conjectured to exist by P. Jones. Along the way, we develop an L variant of P. Jones' traveling salesman construction, which is of independent interest.