We consider a sharp-interface approach for the inviscid isothermal dynamics of compressible two-phase flow, that accounts for phase transition and surface tension effects. To fix the mass exchange and entropy dissipation rate across the interface kinetic relations are frequently used. The complete uni-directional dynamics can then be understood by solving generalized two-phase Riemann problems. We present new well-posedness theorems for the Riemann problem and corresponding computable Riemann solvers, that cover quite general equations of state, metastable input data and curvature effects. The new Riemann solver is used to validate different kinetic relations on physically relevant problems including a comparison with experimental data. Riemann solvers are building blocks for many numerical schemes that are used to track interfaces in two-phase flow. It is shown that the new Riemann solver enables reliable and efficient computations for physical situations that could not be treated before. 2 ON RIEMANN SOLVERS AND KINETIC RELATIONS following d + 1 trace conditions are posed which represent the conservation of mass and the balance of momentum in presence of capillary surface forces (see e.g. [3]).(Thereby, we use a := a vap − a liq and a vap/liq := lim ε→0,ε>0 a(ξ ± ε n) for some quantity a defined in Ω vap (t) ∪ Ω liq (t). In (1.3) by κ = κ(ξ, t) ∈ R we denote the mean curvature of Γ(t) associated with orientation given through the choice of the normal n. The surface tension coefficient ζ * ≥ 0 is assumed to be constant, and t 1 , . . . , t d−1 ∈ S d−1 denote a complete set of vectors tangential to n. We apply the concept of entropy solutions and seek for functions ( , vat the interface. Here, we used E( , v) = ψ(1/ )+1/2 |v| 2 and the Helmholtz free energy ψ defined below in Definition 2.1. Note that (1.5) accounts for surface tension. 5) the mass transfer across the phase boundary has to be determined. In this paper we rely on so-called kinetic relations [1,36]. In the most simple case this results in an additional algebraic jump condition across Γ(t), which may be summarized inA local well-posedness result for the free boundary value problem (1.1)-(1.6) with a special kinetic relation (denoted in this paper as K 2 , see Section 5) has been recently proposed in [25]. Much more analytical knowledge can be derived if we restrict ourselves to describe the local one-dimensional evolution in the normal direction through some ξ ∈ Γ(t). Mathematically this leads to consider a generalized Riemann problem for a mixed-type ensemble of conservation laws. Note that the local curvature κ(ξ, t) enters as a source term in the jump relation for momentum. We will present the precise setting and the corresponding thermodynamical framework in Section 2.Riemann problems for two-phase flows have been intensively studied in the last two decades (see [27] for a general theory, [10,11,17,19,20,28,32] for specific examples and [8,21,33,34] for approximate Riemann solvers). However, even in the isothermal case the theory is not yet comp...