We report a theoretical study of vibrational excitations and dissociations of nitrogen undergoing a nonequilibrium relaxation process upon heating and cooling. The rate coefficients for collisional induced vibrational transitions and transitions from a bound vibrational state into a dissociative state have been calculated using an extension of the theory originally proposed by Schwartz, Slawsky, and Herzfeld (SSH). High-lying vibrational states and dissociative states were explicitly included, but rotational energy transfer was neglected. The transition probabilities calculated from the SSH theory were fed into the master equation, which was integrated numerically to determine the population distribution of the vibratiqnal states, as well as bulk thermodynamic properties. Our results show that 1) the transition rates have a minimum near the middle of the bound vibrational levels, causing a bottleneck in the vibrational relaxation and dissociation rates, 2) high vibrational states are always in equilibrium with the dissociative state, 3) for the heating case, only the low vibrational states relax, according to Landau-Teller theory, 4) for the cooling case, vibrational relaxation cannot be described by a rate equation, and 5) the average vibrational energy removed in dissociation is about 30% of the dissociation energy.
Nomenclature= parameter in Landau-Teller equation = dissociation energy = energy of the vibrational level v measured from minimum of the vibrational potential = average vibrational energy per molecule = Planck's constant = forward (dissociation) reaction rate coefficient, in cm 3 s~1 = rate coefficient for equilibrium vibration in the CVD model, in cmV 1 = reverse (recombination) reaction rate coefficient, in cm 3 s~1 = transition rate coefficient for v->c (continuum) transition, in cm 3 s~1 = transition rate coefficient for v -*» v' transition, in cn^s" 1 = Boltzmann constant = second moment of vibrational transition rate, see Eq. (35) -number of vibrational levels = reduced mass of colliding molecules = number density = temperature exponent in rate coefficient = probability of collisional induced vibrational transition = pressure in atmosphere = velocity-dependent probability of collisional induced vibrational transition = translational partition function for atoms A and B, respectively Q v = partition function for level v q = the vibrational quantum number above which quasi-steady-state approximation holds R = matrix element of relative motion r = distance between the centers of mass of the colliding molecules 5 = parameter in semiempirical rate equation of Park Si,s 2 = vibrational coordinates of molecules 1 and 2 T = translational temperature T a = geometrical mean temperature T d = characteristic temperature of dissociation T v = vibrational temperature r v i, r v2 , !T V 3 = three definitions of vibrational temperatures in a nonequilibrium flow t = time Uo,Uf = initial and final velocity of relative motion between two molecules V = interaction potential between two colliding molecules...