An investigation of rotational and vibrational relaxation in O2-Ar collisions is carried out using the multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree and quasiclassical trajectory methods. The vibrational relaxation times are compared with the new highly accurate experimental data provided by the experimental group in Stanford University in the range of temperatures between 1000 and 7,000 K. Atom-diatom collisions are simulated as the first step in developing the aerothermodynamics models based on first principles. The relaxation times obtained via quantum approach demonstrate very good agreement the experimental measurements conducted in shock tube facilities. At the same time, the quasiclassical simulation fails to predict rates of vibrationally inelastic transitions at temperatures lower than 3000 K. This observation and the computational cost of adopted methods suggest that the next generation of thermochemical models should be a combination of quantum and quasi-classical approaches.
Nomenclature v, jpre-collisional vibrational and rotational quantum numbers v , j post-collisional vibrational and rotational quantum numbers k rate coefficient of bound-bound transition, cm 3 /s J total angular momentum of O 2 -Ar system T, T r , T v translational, rotational and vibrational temperatures, K