A homologous series
of triaryl-like KITPHOS-type monophosphines
containing one, two, or three bulky 12-phenyl-9,10-dihydro-9,10-ethenoanthracene
(KITPHOS) units have been developed, and the influence of increasing
steric bulk on their efficacy as ligands in gold(I)-catalyzed carbon–heteroatom
bond-forming cyclizations has been investigated. Detailed solution
NMR studies on Ph-TRISKITPHOS, its oxide, and the corresponding gold(I)
chloride adduct identified a conformational exchange process involving
a concerted librational motion of the individual anthracene-derived
organic substituents about their P–C bonds. The cessation of
this motion at reduced temperatures lowers the molecular symmetry
such that the two C6H4 rings in each of the
KITPHOS units become inequivalent; a lower energy process involving
restricted rotation of the biaryl-like phenyl ring has also been identified.
Electrophilic gold(I) complexes of these triaryl-like KITPHOS monophosphines
catalyze the 5-exo-dig cycloisomerization of propargyl
amides to afford the corresponding methylene oxazolines, which were
used in a subsequent tandem carbonyl-ene reaction to afford functionalized
2-substituted oxazolines. A comparative survey revealed that catalyst
efficiency for cycloisomerization decreases in the order MONOKITPHOS
= BISKITPHOS > PPh3 > TRISKITPHOS. The optimum system
catalyzes the selective 6-endo-dig cyclization of
2-alkynylbenzyl alcohols, 2-alkynylbenzoic acid, and 2-phenylethynyl
benzamides; gratifyingly, in several cases the yields obtained are
markedly higher and/or reaction times significantly shorter than those
previously reported for related gold catalysts. Moreover, these are
the first examples of gold(I)-catalyzed 6-endo-dig
cycloisomerizations involving 2-phenylethynyl benzamides and, reassuringly,
the optimum gold(I)/MONOKITPHOS systems either rivaled or outperformed
existing silver or palladium-based catalysts. The steric parameters
of this homologous series of phosphines have been quantified and compared
with selected triarylphosphines using a combination of Solid-G calculations,
to determine the percentage of the metal coordination sphere shielded
by the phosphine (the G parameter), and Salerno molecular
buried volume calculations (SambVca) to determine
the percent buried volume (%V
bur); the
corresponding Tolman cone angles have also been determined from correlations.