Colour flow imaging (CFI) is an ultrasound imaging technique whereby colour-coded maps of tissue velocity are superimposed on grey-scale pulse-echo images of tissue anatomy. The most widespread use of the method is to image the movement of blood through arteries and veins, but it may also be used to image the motion of solid tissue. The production of velocity information is technically more demanding than the production of the anatomical information, partly because the target of interest is often blood, which backscatters significantly less power than solid tissues, and partly because several transmit-receive cycles are necessary for each velocity estimate. This review first describes the various components of basic CFI systems necessary to generate the velocity information and to combine it with anatomical information. It then describes a number of variations on the basic autocorrelation technique, including cross-correlation-based techniques, power Doppler, Doppler tissue imaging, and three-dimensional (3D) Doppler imaging. Finally, a number of limitations of current techniques and some potential solutions are reviewed.