A single domain REBCO bulk, fabricated with one seed whether by the top seeded melt growth method or top seeded infiltration growth (TSIG) process, consists of five growth sectors (GSs) generally. In this paper, we report a new method for batch production of single domain GdBCO bulks with one seed, but of different growth sectors (n-GSs, n = 2, 3, 5) by the RE+011 TSIG process. It is found that four single domain GdBCO bulks with 2-GSs and 3-GSs can be fabricated with a buffer added one seed method. The levitation forces and trapped fields indicate that the physical properties of samples decrease with the decreasing of the n-GSs, such as the largest levitation force and trapped field is achieved in the sample with 5-GSs, the smallest one is obtained in the sample with 2-GSs, and the middle one is obtained in the sample with 3-GSs. This is closely related to the number n of GSs which can lead to a different thickness of n-GSs and the pure c-GSs; these results have been studied in detail. This work provided a new effective way to improve the seed efficiency for the fabrication of single domain REBCO bulk superconductors.