“…Other published studies aimed at reducing stereotype threat among women and minorities in medicine have had mixed results, and it is plausible that, because of the so-called ''file-drawer effect,'' other unsuccessful interventions have gone unpublished. 13 For example, one intervention aimed at reducing stereotype threat for orthopedic residents was not successful, 14 although the investigators did not use the values affirmation protocol successfully utilized by Cohen and colleagues 15 in prior studies and did not measure actual performance. Another study that conducted a values affirmation with ethnic minority medical students, in a manner consistent with Cohen et al's methods, 15 found that values affirmation did lead to improved scores on 1 measure among minority group members who had completed an affirmation exercise, but this was due to decreased scores in the white intervention group; furthermore, on another measure, both white and minority students in the affirmed group outperformed controls.…”