Porous zinc-manganese oxide (ZnMn 2 O 4 )m icrostructures are prepared by calcination using ap recursorm ethod, and the material is successfully applied as the supercapacitor electroactive materials in at hree-electrode cell. Due to the uniquem icro/nanostructure,t he as-prepared sample obtained under the calcinationc onditiono f4 50 8Cf or 6h achieved ah igh specific capacitance of 1093 Fg
À1.T he electrode also exhibited high cycle stability for 5000 cycles.In recent years,porousm aterials have been widelya pplied in many industrial fields such as separation, [1a] adsorption, [1b] and catalysis, [1c] mainly due to their defined pore structure and size distribution. Usually porous materials are synthesized by using templating methods with soft or hard templates such as surfactants or silica, respectively.H owever, these methods require multiple complicateds teps such as removal of the templateo rs elective etching in an appropriate solvent, which would make the product impure and limit the extent of applications.Electrochemical capacitors (supercapacitors,S Cs) are one of the most important groups of electrochemical storage devices,w ith ah igher powerd ensity and much longer shelf/ cycle life than batteries;t hus,t hey are finding applications in variousp ower and energy related fields,s uch as hybrid vehicles,p ortable computers,n anoelectronics,b urst power generation, and memory back-upd evices. [2,3] Tr ansition metal oxides are one important group of pseudocapacitive electrode materials and can provide higher energy density in comparison to the electrical double layer capacitive materials such as carbon-based active materials.R ecently,b inary metal oxides have been reportedt od emonstrate better performance than single-component oxides due to their feasible oxidations tates and high electrical conductivity. [4][5][6][7][8] Tr ansition metal-oxalate-based micro/nanomaterials have recently been explored as precursors for the synthesiso fp oroust ransition metal oxides (Mn 2 O 3 , [9] NiO, [9,10] CeO 2 , [11] etc.) and porous mixed transition metal oxides (NiMn 2 O 4 , [12] Ni 0.3 Co 2.7 O 4 , [13,14] ZnO-NiO, [15] etc.). Zinc-manganese oxide (ZnMn 2 O 4 )h as raised much attention because of its wide application in the fields of catalysts,s olid electrolytes,n egative temperature coefficient thermistors,a nd sensor materials.I n ZnMn 2 O 4 ,t he bivalent Zn 2 + ions occupyt he tetrahedral sites and the trivalent Mn 3 + ions the octahedral sites in the spinel structure,a nd it has been proposed as am ore intriguing alternative anode material for advanced lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), benefiting from the low oxidationp otentials (i.e., delithiation potential) of zinc and manganesea t1 .2 and 1.5 V( vs.L i + /Li), respectively. [16][17][18][19][20][21] However, there are very few reports of the micro/nanostructured ZnMn 2 O 4 for SC applications.[22]Herein, we have successfully synthesized porous ZnMn 2 O 4 microstructures by calcinationo fa no xalate precursor under different temperatures.W eh ave not us...