that can separate molecules of similar size based on
chemical features could transform chemical manufacturing. We demonstrate
membranes with functional, 1–3 nm pores prepared using a simple
and scalable approach: coating a porous support with random copolymer
micelles in alcohol, followed by precipitation in water and functionalization
of pore surfaces. This approach was used to prepare membranes that
can separate two hormones of similar size and charge, differentiated
by aromaticity, mediated through π–π interactions
between the aromatic solute and pore walls functionalized with phenol
groups. The aromatic molecule permeates more slowly in single-solute
experiments. In competitive diffusion experiments, however, it permeates
7.1 times faster than its nonaromatic analogue. This approach can
be used to manufacture membranes for complex separations based on
various intermolecular interactions.