In the traffic engineering realm, queue length estimation is considered one of the most critical challenges in the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). Queue lengths are important for determining traffic capacity and quality, such that the risk for blockage in any traffic lane could be minimized. The Vision-based sensors show huge potentials compared to fixed or moving sensors as they offer flexibility for data acquisition due to large-scale deployment at a huge pace. Compared to others, these sensors offer low installation/maintenance costs and also help with other traffic surveillance related tasks. In this research, a CNN-based approach for estimation of vehicle queue length in an urban traffic scenario using low-resolution traffic videos is proposed. The system calculates queue length without the knowledge of any camera parameter or onsite calibration information. The estimation in terms of the number of cars is considered a priority as compared to queue length in the number of meters since the vehicular delay is the number of waiting cars times the wait time. Therefore, this research estimates queue length based on total vehicle count. However, length in meters is also provided by approximating average vehicle size as 5 m. The CNN-based approach helps with accurate tracking of vehicles’ positions and computing queue lengths without the need for installation of any roadside or in-vehicle sensors. Using a pre-trained 80-classes YOLOv4 model, an overall accuracy of 73% and 88% was achieved for vehicle-based and pixel-based queue length estimation. After further fine-tuning of model on the low-resolution traffic images and narrowing down the output classes to vehicle class only, an average accuracy of 83% and 93%, respectively, was achieved which shows the efficiency and robustness of the proposed approach.