Kimura has been manager of the Emissions Control Unit since 1975. He had responsibility for the design and construction of the IGCC Process Evaluation Facility gas cleanup system, and is responsible for engineering analysis. He holds seven U.S. patents and has written approximately twenty papers on membrane separations and coal gas purification. He earned a B.S.Ch.E. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1964 and a M.S.Ch.E. from Pennsylvania State University in 1967.
Daniel P. Smith was appointed Manager, ProcessOperations Unit, at General Electric's CO orate Research & Development Center in 1980 %lowing eight years of managerial responsibility for advanced gas turbine development at G.E. In his present position he directs the operation of the IGCC Process Evaluation Facility and is responsible for engineering system enhancements and modifications. He has authored several papers in the areas of advanced gas turbines, gas turbine fuels, and performance testing and is the holder of one U.S. patent. He receiveda B.