Epidemiological studies have indicated adverse effects of geomagnetic disturbance on human health, including increased mortality. There is evidence from plant and animal studies that help to elucidate this interaction. This study tests the hypothesis that geomagnetic disturbance affects living systems, by modifying the metabolic process of photosynthesis, in the natural environment.Continuous 24-h measurements of dissolved oxygen in flasks containing Holtfreiter’s solution and strands of healthy Elodea were recorded from May 1996, until September 1998, in an electromagnetically quiet, purpose built, garden shed environment, without mains electricity. Sensormeter recordings of oxygen, light, temperature and air pressure were uploaded weekly to a PC. The hourly total geomagnetic field measurements were obtained from the nearest observatory.Significant decrease in oxygen (diurnal volume of oxygen divided by plant mass and diurnal light), (O/WL), was found on days of high geomagnetic field variability throughout 11 recorded months of the year 1997. This result was independent of temperature and atmospheric pressure. No significant decrease in O/WL during high geomagnetic variability was found for the 7 months recorded in 1996. The 1996 and 1997 data both showed a significant decrease in the diurnal time lag between peak light and peak oxygen for diurnal high geomagnetic variability compared with low geomagnetic variability. Cross correlation analysis for 1997 and 1998 data showed a decrease in positive correlation of oxygen with light in high geomagnetic variability, compared with low geomagnetic variability, and increased positive correlation with the geomagnetic field instead. These experiments support a hypothesis of high geomagnetic field variability as a weak zeitgeber, and a metabolic depressant for photosynthetic oxygen production in plants.