W HETHER or not the potential flow region exists in real rocket motors will depend on factors such as initial conditions, grain geometry, and even igniter gas flow characteristics. However, in the case of high performance rocket motors, we believe that strong convective forces inside a rocket motor establish a boundary-layer flow over the propellant surface for which both developing boundary layer and the potential core region exist. Our model in Ref. 1 has been based on this physical picture. As far as experimental evidence on the nature of the flowfield cited by Click, it should be noted that these experiments were conducted under nonreactive *'simulative" flow conditions. However, the boundary layer in an actual grain port may be different due to differences in temperature, pressure, chemical reactions, etc.Furthermore, we have reviewed the results of the simulative study by Yamada et al. 2 and find no evidence or conclusion in regard to the nonexistence of the potential core or the production of turbulence near the centerline. In boundarylayer flows, it is well known that turbulence is produced mainly by mean shear in the near-wall region. This was also observed in the experiments of Ref. 2. Yamada et al. 2 further point out that the role of turbulence adjacent to a propellant surface is to enhance mixing rate of decomosed gases and increase the heat transfer. This is precisely what our model predicts and is also part of the erosive burning mechanism suggested by our study. It may be noted that our model can take into account a nonzero freestream turbulence level (which may be present as a result of initial conditions such as igniter gas flow characteristics) and its spread within the boundary layer through the boundary conditions, Eq. (27) Click speculates that the flowfield may contain four subdomains. The argument presented in regard to the interaction between negative erosive burning and the initial flow domains is not convincing. It is true that our model does not predict negative erosion. The reason we do not consider negative erosion is that for most propellants now being used nowadays, this phenomenon is not observed. Some older propellants using polyurethane binder do exhibit negative erosive burning. However, according to Langelle, 3 this is believed to be due to the covering of the AP particles by the molten binder at the surface and is related to the plateau strand-burning effect exhibited by those propellants. Furthermore, experiments of Marklund and Lake 4 show that the type of flowfield ("subdomains" (i)-(iii) and large scale turbulent surges) is not likely to be responsible for negative erosive burning. Indeed, their experiments conducted under clearly established boundary layer conditions, with no large scale turbulent surges present, showed negative erosive burning on a polyurethane propellant. Therefore, we disagree with Click's hypothesis that negative erosion is a result of the effects of initial flow "sub-domains" or turbulent surges.In regard to the comment on the theoretical work of Re...