Quantitative studies of bone using 99m Tc-methylene diphosphonate ( 99m Tc-MDP) have a potentially valuable role in investigating the treatment of patients with metabolic bone disease. In this study we compared 3 different methods of measuring wholeskeleton 99m Tc-MDP plasma clearance (K bone ) in 12 osteoporotic postmenopausal women (mean age, 67.3 y) before participation in a clinical trial of an osteoporosis therapy. The aim was to compare the consistency and accuracy of the 3 methods before their use in evaluating the subjects' response to treatment. Methods: Subjects were injected with 600 MBq 99m Tc-MDP and 3 MBq 51 Cr-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ( 51 Cr-EDTA) and wholebody bone scan images were acquired at 10 min, 1, 2, 3, and 4 h. Two-minute static images of the thighs were acquired immediately after the 1-to 4-h whole-body scans. Six blood samples were taken between 5 min and 4 h, and free 99m Tc-MDP was measured using ultrafiltration. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated from the 51 Cr-EDTA plasma curve. The methods used to evaluate K bone were (a) the area-under-thecurve (AUC) method, in which the GFR measurement was subtracted from the total (bone plus renal) clearance (K total ) measured from the free 99m Tc-MDP plasma curve; (b) the modified Brenner method, in which 99m Tc-MDP renal clearance estimated from the whole-body counts was subtracted from the total clearance measured from the rate of elimination of tracer from soft tissue; and (c) the Patlak plot method, which was also used to derive regional values of K bone for the skull, spine, pelvis, arms, and legs. Results: There was good agreement between the 3 methods of measuring K bone . (mean K bone 6 SD: AUC method, 30.3 6 6.4 mLÁmin 21 ; Brenner method, 31.1 6 5.8 mLÁmin 21 ; Patlak method, 35.7 6 5.8 mLÁmin 21 ). The correlation coefficients between the methods varied from r 5 0.767 (P 5 0.004) to r 5 0.805 (P 5 0.002). Regional measurements of 99m Tc-MDP clearance gave the following percentages of the whole-skeleton clearance: skull, 13.3%; spine, 16.6%; pelvis, 17.2%; arms, 11.1%; legs, 23.7%. Conclusion: The 3 methods gave consistent and accurate measurements of K bone . The Patlak method can be used to study regional as well as totalskeleton values of K bone .