A threshold-based fall recognition algorithm using a tri-axial accelerometer and a bi-axial gyroscope mounted on the skin above the upper sternum was proposed to recognize fall-like activities of daily living (ADL) events. The output signals from the tri-axial accelerometer and bi-axial gyroscope were obtained during eight falls and eleven ADL action sequences. The thresholds of signal vector magnitude (SVM_Acc), angular velocity (ω res ), and angular variation (θ res ) were calculated using MATLAB. When the measured values of SVM_Acc, ω res , and θ res were compared to the threshold values (TH1, TH2, and TH3), fall-like ADL events could be distinguished from a fall. When SVM_Acc was larger than 2.5 g (TH1), ω res was larger than 1.75 rad/s (TH2), and θ res was larger than 0.385 rad (TH3), eight falls and eleven ADL action sequences were recognized as falls. When at least one of these three conditions was not satisfied, the action sequences were recognized as ADL. Fall-like ADL events such as jogging and jumping up (or down) have posed a problem in distinguishing ADL events from an actual fall. When the measured values of SVM_Acc, ω res , and θ res were applied to the sequential processing algorithm proposed in this study, the sensitivity was determined to be 100% for the eight fall action sequences and the specificity was determined to be 100% for the eleven ADL action sequences. In this study, a threshold-based fall recognition algorithm using Received: Jan. 19, 2017, Revised: Jun. 23, 2017, Accepted: Jan. 30, 2017 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/bync/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.