Abstract-Fractionated spacecraft are clusters of small, independent modules that interact wirelessly to realize the functionality of a traditional monolithic spacecraft. System F6 (F6 stands for Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionated, Free-Flying spacecraft) is a DARPA program for fractionated spacecraft. Software applications in F6 are implemented in the context of the F6 Information Architecture Platform (IAP), which provides component-based abstractions for composing distributed applications. The lifecycle of these distributed applications must be managed autonomously by a deployment and configuration (D&C) infrastructure, which can redeploy and reconfigure the running applications in response to faults and other anomalies that may occur during system operation. Addressing these D&C requirements is hard due to the significant fluctuation in resource availabilities, constraints on resources, and safety and security concerns. This paper presents the key architectural ideas that are required in realizing such a D&C infrastructure.Index Terms-D&C for CPS, reconfiguration, failures.I. INTRODUCTION System F6 [1] (F6 stands for Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionated, Free-Flying spacecraft) is a highly resourceconstrained, dynamic system which consists of a cluster of satellites forming the 'fractionated spacecraft', which provides a distributed computing platform in space. Each satellite module communicates wirelessly with others in the same cluster and with resources located on the ground. F6 clusters may host multiple applications, which share available resources to accomplish their mission objectives through collaboration. It is a distributed cyber-physical system (CPS) because the cyber infrastructure that is responsible to support mission critical applications must be aware of all physical constraints and physical dynamics when operating a computing cluster platform in space.The F6 Information Architecture Platform (IAP) provides infrastructure to build and manage applications that are created using software components with well-defined interfaces. These components conform to a novel component model called F6COM [2], which allows developers to design various software components that can operate in the real-time embedded environment of a fractionated spacecraft.Managing the lifecycle of an application on the F6 Platform is the responsibility of the deployment and configuration (D&C) infrastructure. The F6 D&C infrastructure is based on the OMG Deployment and Configuration for Componentbased Application specification [3], [4]. A typical F6 application will consist of several interconnected components.