51) Yang. Y.; D'Silva, A. P.; Fassel. V. A. And. Chem. 1981, 53, (52) Dankovic, D. A.; Springer, D. L.; Mnn, D. 6.; Smith, L. G.; ~h~~~, B. L.; Bean, R. M. Carcinogenesis 1989, 10, 789-791. A method for the determination of Au In seawater at femtomolar moi/L) levels Is presented. The technique involves preconcentration by anlon exchange of Au as a cyanide complex, [Au(CN),-1, using lgSAu radiotracer (f,,, = 183 days) to monitor recoverles. Samples are then Introduced by flow injection into an Inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometer for analysis. The method has a detection limit of 4 0 fM for 4 L of seawater preconcentrated to 1 mL and a relative preclslon of 15 % at the 100 fM level. With slight modifications, It can also be applied to the analysis of hydrothermal flulds and freshwaters. Koide and co-workers have recently reported concentrations of Au in Pacific seawater samples on the order of 100 f M (I). Using the analytical method described here, we have independently confirmed levels of 10-100 f M Au in seawater a t Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea locations