Several studies have demonstrated the advantages of minimally invasive surgery compared with open surgery after an oncological colorectal resection [e.g. fewer surgical site infections (SSI), less use of analgesics, etc.] with equivalent results. By means of these findings, the minimally invasive approach is now considered by many groups to be the standard of care for colorectal cancer [1]. Both laparoscopic right colectomy and extended right colectomy are well-established procedures for the treatment of right-sided colon neoplasms [2]. As with right colectomy, the laparoscopic approach shows the same advantages in subtotal colectomy [3]. Robotic-assisted procedures seem to have reduced conversion rates in 'difficult cases' and facilitate the procedure by means of increased dexterity and range of motions [4]. Ileocolic anastomoses can be performed using several techniques, for example extracorporeal versus intracorporeal,