The aim of this paper is to present the development of a synthetic phantom that can be used for the selection of optimal scanning parameters in Computed Tomography (CT) colonography. In this paper we attempt to evaluate the influence of the main scanning parameters including slice thickness, reconstruction interval, field of view, table speed and radiation dose on the overall performance of a Computer Aided Detection (CAD)-CTC system. From these parameters the radiation dose received a special attention, as the major problem associated with CTC is the patient exposure to significant levels of ionising radiation. To examine the influence of the scanning parameters we performed 51 CT scans where the spread of scanning parameters was divided into seven different protocols. A large number of experimental tests were performed and the results analysed. The results show that automatic polyp detection is feasible even in cases when the CAD-CTC system was applied to low dose CT data acquired with the following protocol: 13mAs/rotation with collimation of 1.5x16mm, slice thickness of 3.0mm, reconstruction interval of 1.5mm, table speed
Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 13 September 2006of 30mm per rotation. The CT phantom data acquired using this protocol was analysed by an automated CAD-CTC system and the experimental results indicate that our system identified all clinically significant polyps (i.e. larger than 5mm).