A previously developed micromechanical model is used to formulate the problem of a blended yarn, consisting of low elongation (LE) and high elongation (HE) fibers undergoing axial extension, with a fiber break in the central region of the hybrid fiber array. A hybrid parameter R, which is the ratio of the axial stiffness of the HE fibers to that of the LE fibers, is shown to have an important effect on the intact fiber stress concentration factor (SCF), and the broken fiber slip extent at the fiber break. While the SCF increases for HE fibers adjacent to broken LE fibers, it decreases for LE fibers adjacent to broken HE fibers as R takes on values away from unity (homogeneous yarn). Higher loading can therefore be sustained by the LE fibers, and a beneficial hybrid effect can be realized.Blended or hybrid yams, which consist of more than one kind of fiber, have been produced to develop improved strength and stiffness over what can be achieved in homogeneous yams. This so-called hybrid effect has been observed in hybrid composite sheets [2,14], indicating how higher loading and elongation can be sustained by high modulus (low elongation, LE) fibers than when they exist alone in a nonhybrid composite. The same effect appears to be possible for blended yams. This is corroborated by our current results, which show that the stress concentration factor (SCF) of an LE fiber next to a broken HE (high elongation) fiber decreases, while the SCF of an HE fiber next to a broken LE fiber increases with decreasing values of the hybrid parameter R, the ratio of the axial stiffness of the HE to that of the LE fibers. This has a positive effect for yams where the principal fibers are particular LE fibers, ,which are selected to be stronger than the dispersed HE fibers. It suggests that if a reduction in the SCF of the principal LE fiber has i dominant effect on yarn strength compared with the increased SCF of the HE fiber (since the HE fiber has a larger failure strain), a hybrid effect can be realized.Near a fiber break, the neighboring fibers will slip, and the slip extent plays a role similar to the yield zone in the matrix near a fiber break [14] in fiber composites. We will show here how the SCF decreases with larger slip extents, supporting the notion that a slip acts as a dissipative mechanism, similar to matrix yielding in fiber composites.In general, twisted fibrous structures, including yams, ropes, and cables, exhibit transverse compressive forces induced by the remote tension along the yam axis. Each fiber executes a quasi-helical path through the yam. so that a radially outwardly directed, distributed reaction force from underlying fiber layers balances the tension on the curved fiber. The compressive forces that occur permit load transfer between abutting fibers through friction and give the yarn cohesiveness. With increasing yarn tension, transverse compressive forces also increase, thereby increasing the magnitude of the frictional load transfer between -fibers. This mechanism, first noted by Galileo [31, is parti...