the writer published a review of the more important titles on psychology in industry appearing up to April, 1926 (171). In the present article are reviewed publications in this field appearing between April and December, 1926, inclusive, making it possible to include hereafter in an annual review material published from January to December of a given year. In the present review, as in the one referred to above, the practice has been followed of limiting reference to books specifically devoted to the application of psychology in industry and to articles in this field appearing in the technical journals.VOCATIONAL SELECTION /. General Among major contributions on the application of psychology in the selection of workers is a volume on employment psychology by Burtt (42). This represents the most comprehensive survey of material and methods for scientific selection published to date. Its inclusiveness and its unbiased, almost uncritical presentation of material, accomplishments, techniques, and points of view make it particularly suitable as a text for students in courses in vocational psychology. Psychological tests of vocational aptitude, trade tests, rating scales, other determinants of vocational aptitude, statistical methods, etc., are