The present study was conducted in Jhansi District of Uttar Pradesh .. Acknowledging the limited time, money, resources and employment stability of Mustard .Totally 100 respondents were selected and interviewed. Primary data were collected through interview method, a number of different schedules were prepared for that purpose.For the collections of primary data, a number of different schedules were prepared for that purpose. The information was obtained from discussion with traders and farmers and actual spot observations. The information pertaining to production, purchases and disposal pattern of mustard was collected and secondary data were collected from government offices. Tabular and functional analyses were used to draw the conclusion, Respondents were categorized as marginal, small and medium size of farm. The cost and return have been summarized in this part of the result. On an overall average the major component of the cost were human labor (23.27 per cent), rental value of owned land 21.11 per cent),Accurate and region- specific data is important for obtaining respective and reliable estimates of the total costs of cultivation. It was observed that hired labour, machinery labour, seed, manure & fertilizer, irrigation showed constructive relationship with the increase in farm size, while family labour showed the inverse correlation (relationship) with increase the farm size. The objective is to estimate the cost and returns per ha of mustard cultivation.