We study the effect of gravity on giant soap bubbles and show that it becomes dominant above the critical size = a 2 /e 0 , where e 0 is the mean thickness of the soap film and a = γ b /ρg is the capillary length (γ b stands for vapor-liquid surface tension, and ρ stands for the liquid density). We first show experimentally that large soap bubbles do not retain a spherical shape but flatten when increasing their size. A theoretical model is then developed to account for this effect, predicting the shape based on mechanical equilibrium. In stark contrast to liquid drops, we show that there is no mechanical limit of the height of giant bubble shapes. In practice, the physicochemical constraints imposed by surfactant molecules limit the access to this large asymptotic domain. However, by an exact analogy, it is shown how the giant bubble shapes can be realized by large inflatable structures.soap bubbles | Marangoni stress | self-similarity S oap films and soap bubbles have had a long scientific history since Robert Hooke (1) first called the attention of the Royal Society and of Newton to optical phenomena (2). They have been of assistance in the development of capillarity (3) and of minimal surface problems (4). Bubbles have also served as efficient sensors for detecting the magnetism of gases (5), as elegant 2D water channels (6), and as analog "computers" in solving torsion problems in elasticity (7,8), compressible problems in gas dynamics (9), and even heat conduction problems (10). Finally, in the last decades, the role of soap films and bubbles in the development of surface science has been crucial (11-13), and the ongoing activity in foams (14,15) and in the influence of menisci on the shapes of bubbles (16) are modern illustrations of their key role. The shape of a soap bubble is classically obtained by minimizing the surface energy for a given volume, hence resulting to a spherical shape. However, the weight of the liquid contained in the soap film is always neglected, and it is the purpose of this article to discuss this effect.For liquid drops, the transition from a spherical cap drop to a puddle occurs when the gravitational energy, ρgR 4 (R is the typical size of the drop), becomes of the same order as its surface energy γ b R 2 . That is, for a drop size of the order of the capillary length a = γ b /ρg (γ b is the liquid-vapor surface tension, and ρ is the liquid density). Typically, this transition is observed at the millimetric scale: For a soap solution with γ b = 30 mN/m, a 1.7 mm. The two asymptotic regimes may be distinguished through the behavior of the drop height h0 with volume: h0 ≈ R for small spherical drops, while the height of large puddles saturates to a constant value h0 ≈ a.If we look for the same transition in soap bubbles, we expect the gravitational energy, ρgR 3 e0, to become of the order of the surface energy, γ b R 2 , at the typical size R ≈ , with = a 2 /e0 (e0 stands for the mean thickness of the film). Thanks to the iridescence, the mean thickness can be estimated to a few ...