Introduction: Blood pressure is not constant at different days of the month and even throughout the day. Variation in BP during different phases in the menstrual cycle can also be attributed to the effect of the female hormones on cardiovascular systems. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the awareness of blood pressure changes during the menstrual cycle.
Aim: To Assess the Awareness of Blood Pressure Changes during Menstrual Cycle.
Materials and Methods: The sample size used for the study is 100. A self structured questionnaire was prepared and uploaded on google forms. This standard questionnaire in google forms was circulated. After which all the data was collected and the data was analysed using Chi square analysis. The Chi square analysis was done using SPSS software.
Result: We were able to establish a fair awareness about blood pressure changes during the menstrual cycle among our study population. It was statistically significant with p value of 0.037 (P<0.05).
Discussion: Variation in BP during different phases of the menstrual cycle can also be attributed to the effect of ovarian hormones on cardiovascular function. Since hormonal changes follow a non-linear trend throughout the menstrual cycle, it may have an unpredictable effect on BP regulation
Conclusion: There is a fair amount of awareness about blood pressure changes during menstruation among both women and men but women have more awareness.