Estracts fro111 primary leaves of Little Club wheat, prepared ~lncler anaerobic conditions, gave osidation-reduction pote~ltials in the range of -180 mv to -110 mv a t pH 6 when measured potentiometrically with prepolarized platinum electrodes. These poorly poised potentials are believed to represent a flavin system. By mising mediators (e.g. methylene blue and riboflavin) with the extracts stable average potentials were achieved. 'l'hese ranged from -70 to +70 mv. Coleoptiles and very young primary leaves eshibited relatively low average potentials, which climbed to a steady level in 8 to 10 days after sowing. This charige was accompanied by a quantitative shift between three poising systems f o~~n d in the leaves by redos titrations. The results suggested that ascorbic acid bccomes the dominating redos systein in estracts from ~n a t~i r c leaves. At senescence, indicated by yellowing, a ncw systein dominates the redos bac1;ground. This exhibited q~~i n o n i c properties.