Considerado como a principal causa infecciosa de cegueira no mundo, o tracoma tem como agente etiológico a bactériaChlamydia trachomatis e manifesta-se como uma inflamação crônica, gerando alterações cicatriciais que podem culminar com a cegueira. Esta doença está intimamente relacionada às más condições socioeconômicas e de saneamento da população. Embora relatos indiquem que seja uma doença conhecida há milênios, esta pode ser
ABSTRACTConsidered the leading infectious cause of blindness in the world , trachoma is the etiologic agent the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and it is manifested as a chronic inflammation , causing scarring changes that may lead to blindness. This disease is closely related to poor socioeconomic conditions and sanitation of the population. Although reports indicate that it is a disease known for millennia, it can be considered as globally neglected, as evidenced by the low investment in research aimed at improvements in both the diagnosis and the treatment. We conducted a survey on 05.10.2014 in the references bases : Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online -MEDLINE ( PubMed ) , Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences ( LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online ( SciELO ) , which were surveyed studies published from January/2004 to December/2013 .The words were typed separately : Trachoma , Glaucoma and Cataract and then became the analysis of the data. We considered all studies published in the period.