Background: Glaucoma comprises group of disorder which cause damage to the ganglion cells and optic nerve fibers resulting in permanent loss of vision. Glaucoma is a silent killer of vision, the only treatable factor is IOP which can be lowered by medical means, laser treatment or surgery.
Objectives: The objective of the study was to see profile of patients of glaucoma in jammu province.
Material and method: The present prospective study involved 200 patients was conducted in the out-patient department of ophthalmology at tertiary care hospital of North India. After meeting inclusion & exclusion crieteria the patients underwent detailed clinical history, general examination, complete ophthalmological examination including dilated fundus examination, intra ocular pressure measurement, gonioscopy etc was done to diagnose different types of glaucoma.
Results: Maximum number of patients i.e.128 were seen in age group of ≥50yrs followed by 60 in 41-50 yrs. Males i.e. 127 outnumbered females in present study. Total of 139 were from rural area. Maximum patients complain of diminution of vision ie 180 followed by pain in 135. Vision of 6/24-6/18 i.e. 59 (R/E) & 57 (L/E) followed by PL to <6/60 in 48(R/E) & 47(L/E) patients whereas PL absent was seen in 12 patients. Gonioscopically angle was open in 172(R/E) & 174(L/E) patients. Total of 102 patients had POAG.
Conclusion: From present study we may conclude that glaucoma problem was more common in elderly age group and in males. It can lead to loss of vision among patient who suffer extreme optic nerve damage without realizing it. Therefore, for everybody above the age of 40years, it is mandatory to have IOP checked once a year especially if there is any risk factor for glaucoma like diabetes mellitus, myopia, family history of glaucoma, prolonged use of topical steroids etc.
Keywords: Glaucoma, Gonioscopy, Intraocular Pressure(IOP), Visual acuity.