Breast cancer is the second most common malignancy related mortality observed in women worldwide. It is
multifactorial in nature having many factors including genetics, lifestyle factors, socioeconomical etc. playing role in
variable occurance and heterogeneity towards treatment. Routine diagnosis for breast cancer is usually done by mammography and
histopathology, but recent adavnces suggests the role of certain biomarkers such as tumour specic hormones, serum proteins, serum enzymes etc
as a supplementary parameters to predict overall prognosis of the patients. In the present study, relative analysis of the levels of ALP (alkaline
phosphatase), LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) and Lipase enzyme is determined among breast cancer patients at the time of diagnosis using semi
automated clinical biochemistry analyzer. further correlation is done with other socio-demographic factors prevalent among the patients. For this
purpose, preoperative blood samples of breast cancer patients were collected from Rajkot Cancer Hospital and study concludes that higher
expression of LDH was found in 50% of breast cancer patients, while 31.81% of breast cancer patients had higher expression levels of lipase and
ALP enzyme among the study population.