[a] 1IntroductionOver recentd ecades the utilisationo fscreen-printed derived electrochemical sensorsh ave modernised the field of electroanalysis,w ith their ability to bridge the gap between laboratory experiments and in-field applications [1][2][3][4][5][6].T he incorporationo fs creen-printed electrodes has allowed scientists to take their knowledge and theoretical interpretations and place it into ad evice that possess great scales of economy allowing for simple,i nexpensive disposable electrochemical platforms [1,[7][8][9].T hrough carefuls elections of screen-printing inks and designs, unique sensors can be produced with different geometries such as screen-printed arrays [10][11][12][13],r ecessed electrodes [14] and microbands [15,16].I na ddition to this,t he ease of the mass production of screen-printed sensors enables their use as one-shot sensors, allowing possible contamination to be avoided, and alleviates the need for electrode pre-treatment as is the case for solid electrodes prior to theiru se [1,13,[17][18][19].Screen-printing technologies can be readily adapted to create sensors that can contain beneficial electrode materials such as carbon nanotubes whichh ave au seful geometric structure that provides the enhanced sensing of capsaicin [20] and the cobalt pthalocyanine mediator which has shown electrocatalytic signals towards hydrazine [21].A dditionally upon carefuls election of the screen-printing inks,s ensors can be readily produced containing metallic compoundss uch as palladium [19] Recently the concept of the back-to-back screen-printed graphite electrodec onfiguration has been introduced for the first timew hereathree-electrode system is printed upon both sides of ap olyester substrate,a sp resented in Figure 1[ 24].T his novel electrochemical sensor has been demonstrated to be usefulf or the electroanalytical sensing of NADH and nitritee xhibiting at wo-fold increase in the analytical sensitivity,a dditionally with improvements in the limit of detection [ 24].I nt his paper we build upon such report of the back-to-back electrode configuration [24] and extend this concept to the electroanalyticald etection of dopamine and capsaicin using as ingle walled carbon nanotube (CNT)b ack-to-back sensor and ac obalt phthalocyanine (CoPC)m ediated bulk modified back-to back sensor for the electrocatalytic detectiono fhydrazine for the first time.Abstract:I no ur previous paper (Analyst, 2014, 139, 5339) we introduced the concept of the back-to-back electrochemical design where the commonly overlooked back of screen-printed electrodesa re utilised to provide electroanalyticale nhancements in screen-printede lectroanalytical sensors.I nt his configuration the overall sensor comprises of af lexible polyester substrate which has at otal of two working,c ounter and reference electrodes presento nt he sensor,w ith as et of electrodes on each side of the substrate. Thes ensors are designed to allow for acommonly shared electrical connection to the potentiostat and do not require any specialised con...