The total nuclear reaction cross section is calculated considering the cases with and without medium effect by employing Coulomb modified Glauber model (CMGM) , and 238 U 92 with nuclear emulsion detector (NED) nuclei at around 1 GeV per nucleon incident kinetic energy. These calculated nuclear reaction cross sections are correlated with the different target groups of the NED nuclei. The average value of various parameters is also calculated and compared with the corresponding experimental results. The number of shower particles emitted in an interaction is also calculated and showed good agreement with the experimental result. We observed that the total nuclear reaction cross section increases with increasing the target mass number in case of all the considered projectiles. In addition, it is shown that the average value of reaction cross section with nuclear medium effect is in good agreement with the experimental results for projectiles 56 Fe, 84 Kr, and 132 Xe, although results of projectiles 197 Au and 238 U are not in agreement with the experimental observations. This study sheds some light on the energy dependence of the nuclear reaction cross section.