Unfamiliar oxidation states have been characterized principally by four types of evidence: (1) analytical data and chemical properties; (2) isomorphism with compounds containing atoms of known oxidation state; (3) 0>-CH-N^> (C) ,0H HO * Swann and Xanthakos (J. Am. Soc, 53, 400 [1931]) have been able to obtain cobalt(III) sulfate by the anodic oxidation of cobalt(II) sulfate in 10 N sulfuric acid. INTRODUCTION *5 The products of the thermal decomposition of the triiodide and bromide of samarium at 800-900 0 in a high vacuum are the dihalides and the corresponding free halogens. 43 Halides of dipositive ytterbium are prepared in a similar manner. 44 * Oxidation numbers as low as 1.9 have recently been obtained (Mazzitelli, M.S. thesis. University of Kansas, 1949). * The reducing power of the solution after electrolysis was determined by titration with iodine. * These data are taken from an article by Tsentnershver and Blumenthal, Bull, intern, acad. polonaise, classe sci. math, nat., 1933A, pp. 499-522. There is some disagreement with the earlier values for the melting points of Rb0 2 and Cs0 2 (see ref. 2c). Similar values for the heats of formation of the superoxides are given by de Forcrand, Compt. rend., 158, 991 (1914). * Yost, Russell, and Garner, The Rare Earth Elements and Their Compounds, p. 9.