ARI Research Reports and Technical Papers are intended for sponsors of R&D tasks and other research and military agencies. Any findings ready for implementation at the time of publication are presented in the latter part of the Brief. Upon completion of a major phase of the task, formal recommendations for official action normally are conveyed to appropriate military agencies by briefing or Disposition Form. Ail .3 I :-44. FOREWORD _________________ The Individual Training and Skill Evaluation Technical Area of the Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) has actively pursued a program of research in support of the systems engineering of training. A major focus of this research is to develop the fundamental data and technology necessary to field integrated systems for improving individual job performance. Such systems include Skill Qualification Testing (SQT), job performance aids, training courses in schools and in the field, performance criteria, and management and feedback systems. This report summarizes the first step in the development L of methods to assess and enhance the retention of job skills. This research is in response to the question, from the Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), "What is the required frequency of refresher training to maintain performance proficiency?" Work was accomplished by ARI personnel, under Army Project 2QI62722A777, •Y 1978, "Individual Training Technology." Comments and editorial assistance were provided by Mr. J.