The purposes of this research aimed 1) to study the elements and indicators of risk management system for secondary schools in Thailand. 2) to study suitable the elements and indicators of the risk management system for secondary schools in Thailand. 3) to study the results of CFA (Confirmatory Factors Analysis) risk management process of risk management system for secondary schools in Thailand. There were four steps as follows: Stage 1 to study theories and concepts from the documents and research. Stage 2 to synthesize the study of concepts, principles and theories involved in this research from the stage 1. Stage 3 to evaluate and confirm the suitability of the elements and indicators of risk management system for secondary schools in Thailand by 9 experts. And Stage 4 to analyze the elements and indicators of risk management process of risk management system for secondary schools in Thailand by CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis). There were 350 samples in this study. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire for 9 experts and questionnaire for CFA. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, Chi-square, GFI, AGFI, SRMR, RMSEA. The findings found that the risk management system for secondary schools in Thailand had four main elements as follows: 1) Input consisted of 5 sub-factors, 13 indicators, 2) Process had 2 dimensions: 2.1) Dimension of the risk management process consisted of 8 sub-elements, 31 indicators, 2.2) Dimension of school burdens consisted of 4 sub-elements, 72 indicators, 3) Outputs and Outcomes consisted of 2 sub-elements, 6 indicators and 4) Feedback consisted of 2 indicators. The results of evaluation and confirmatory the suitability the elements and indicators of risk management system for secondary schools in Thailand by 9 experts found that it was suitable in every items. And the results analyze CFA of the elements and indicators risk management process of risk management system for secondary schools in Thailand revealed that the model is harmonious with empirical data and in 'good' level.