In this study we investigate how motive and personal relations of volunteers impact their volunteering satisfaction. The objects were 313 members of a volunteer group in O-gun, central region. We conducted survey from 2014 April 2 to August 31. The data were analyzed by correlation analysis, t-test, multiple regression analysis, through SPSSWIN 18.0 program,(empirical analysis verification : significance level of 5%). The results are as follows: First, with the general characteristics, we found that females, the educated, and the married get more satisfaction. Second, with the local characteristics, long-term residents and the members, who think volunteer activity contribute to the local development, feel more satisfaction.Third, volunteer who has high participation motives, has strong volunteering satisfaction. Finally, volunteers feel more satisfaction when they maintain a good relationships in interpersonal relationship. This study implicates that volunteer activity participation motives and personal relations have a great impact on volunteering satisfaction, to be the basis for volunteer's satisfaction improving policy in the future.