With recent expansions of IT convergence equipment, more and more mobile communications-related devices are used in many fields, and mobile communications-based projects are underway in various venues, such as u-cities, u-ports, u-health, and u-traffic. In particular, owing to increasing demand for personal services due to the rapid increase in the elderly population and rapid development of convergence technology, the increased competition among mobile communications institutions, etc., is shifting towards consumeroriented services, giving priority to the expectations and desires of consumers when delivering ubiquitous services. As a result, the use of mobile communications technology is increasing in convergence-related fields. Mobile communications systems for convergence environments pose many research challenges. Among these is processing overhead in service environments [13][14][15][16][17][18]. Therefore, novel techniques, architectures, algorithms, and experiences regarding multimedia applications and industry services must be considered. Some of these research areas are listed below.