The objective of this study is to produce the rock slope hazard map on the Mt. Hwangryeong located at center of Busan Metropolitan City for evaluating the rock slope hazard susceptibility. The Mt. Hwangryoeng is located between Dongrae and Ilkwang faults and consists of various rocks such as sedimentary rock, andesitic volcanic rock, andesite, gabbro and granitic rocks. Thematic maps were carried out using ArcGIS for Database including the orientations and density of joints, strength of rock constructed through the field survey and results from previous studies. Also, rock slope hazard susceptibility for the Mt. Hwangryoeng area was studied using empirical method through checklists proposed by NDMI (National Disaster Management Institute). Results from using the empirical method indicated that rock slopes are evaluated from very stable to stable, but moderate stability has been partially presented along the edge of the mountain area.