Numerical simulations and experiments have been carried out to meet the next IMO(International Maritime Organization) Tier2 NOx regulations, which would be determined to reduce about 19-2 1% ofthe current limit for medium-speed diesel engine. The selected paraineters in this study are piston bowl shape, fuel iajection nozzle configuration and fuel iniection rate. The behavior of spray and combustion phenomena in diesel engine was examined by the three-dimensional FIRE code. As a droplet breakup model, the wave breakup model was used. In order to predict spray characteristics accurately in the wide range ofambient gas densitM the model constant Bi with respect to breakup time was set as a functien of ambient gas density p, Bi=1.4239xp+O.2093. The spray visualization experiment was perforrned in the constant-volume high-pressure chamber to clarify the numerieal results on the spray characteristics of the spray angle and penetration. The fuel iajection rig test was perfbrmed to know the fuel irijection rate prQfile as an input data fbr the numerical analysis by using Bosch-tube irijection rate metes, The computational results fbr the two different nozzle configurations were verified with the experimental data on the cytinder pressure, fuel consumption and NOx formation through adjustment of some model constants at 50% load, The effects of fuel iojection nozzle, piston bowl and fuel iajection rate on the engine perfbrmance were investigated to find the optimum parameters on NOx control. Finally, 23.7% NOx reduction could be achieved with O,71% deterioration in fuel consumption to meet the next IMO Tier2 regulations.