Currently, 30 million children are experiencing acute malnutrition, and 8 million children are severely underweight.
This study aimed to develop a stunting super app, a one-stop app designed to prevent and manage stunting in Indonesia.
This study consisted of three stages. Stage 1 used a 3-round Delphi study involving 12 experts. In stage 2, 4 experts and a parent of children with stunted growth created an Android app containing stunting educational materials. In stage 3, a pilot study involving a control group was conducted to evaluate parents’ knowledge about stunting prevention through the app and standard interventions.
In the Delphi study, 11 consensus statements were extracted; arranged in three major themes, including maternal health education, child health education, and environmental education; and applied in the form of the Sistem Evaluasi Kesehatan Anak Tumbuh Ideal (SEHATI) app. This app was assessed using a content validity index, with a cumulative agreement of ≥80% among the 5 individuals. The pilot study showed an increase in the knowledge of mothers of toddlers with stunted growth before and after the educational intervention (P=.001).
The SEHATI app provides educational content on stunting prevention that can increase the knowledge of mothers of toddlers with stunted growth.