The internet is the one of the most important global network and information source in information age. The internet has changed employee's life enormously. The purpose of this study is to clarify the benefitting situations of employees from e-employee services. For this purpose, a 20-item data collection tool, based on the e-employee services put forward by the Information Council Turkey was developed. Maintained measurement tool was applied on 515 employees residing different regions and provinces of Turkey in the 2014 academic year. As a result, it was observed that employees benefitted from social, health and education oriented services of eemployee at "medium frequency", whereas they "rarely" benefitted from the economic-oriented services of e-employee. It was found that women used e-employee services more than men. 30-year of age and younger people used e-employee services more often than older people. In addition, those who have higher incomes use e-employee services more frequently than those who have medium or low incomes. Those working in education and finance sectors benefit from the eemployee services more often than those in other sectors.Keywords: E-employee; internet use; e-employee services; income; finance sector.
IntroductionThe rapid developments occurring in information and communication, is increasing the use of the internet as well. Every day, the internet use is spreading everywhere, from education to finance, military to health and from the market place to entertainment industry. According to TurkStat data, internet use rate among the 19-74-age group reached to 48.9% in 2013 while it was 30% in 2007 in Turkey, a country with a population approaching 80 million. (TurkStat, 2013). This increase in a six -year period is remarkable. Considering the widespread use of mobile devices, the Internet is expected to affect the lives of people much more.The labour force participation rate In Turkey rated 50,1% with a 0,1 point increase in the December period of 2013 compared to the same period of the previous year. The labour force participation rate was 70.9 % in men and 29.9 % in women. While the distribution of the people who were employed in 2004 was 29.1% in agriculture, 20.0 % in industry, 4.9 % in construction and 46.0 % in service sector, this ratio fell nearly 6 points for agriculture whereas it increased 4 point for the service sector by the end of 2013. This rate for those who graduated from higher education institutions is 79.3%, for vocational high school graduates is 62.9 % , for high school graduates 51.6 %, for less than high school graduates is 47.4% and it was 18.7% for Illiterate types. 65.5% of workers were regular or casual employee, 4.4% employer; 18.7% Self-employed and 11.4% were the unpaid family workers. (TurkStat, 2013b).