Analyses of 'H and 13C NMR spectra have been utilized to extend studies on the dynamic equilibrium syn -anti about the glycosidic bond of purine nucleosides and nucleotides. With the aid of chemically synthesized model analogous in fixed syn and anti conformations, and the introduction of appropriate corrections for the conformation of the exocyclic chain of the sugar moiety, it is possible to evaluate quantitatively the relative populations of the syn and anti conformers from the experimentally observed chemical shifts of H(2) and C(2). The resulting agreement between the data based on H(2) chemical shifts with those deduced from C(2) chemical shifts extends the validity of this procedure, and furnishes more accurate results than those previously based on uncorrected H(2) chemical shifts alone. The overall findings are briefly compared with those derived from measurements of proton relaxation times and the Overhauser effect, as well as by X-ray diffraction in the solid state. Attention is drawn to the potential utility of the results, including chemical shift data, in studies on interactions of nucleosides and nucleotides with appropriate enzyme systems.A conformational parameter of nucleosides and nucleotides with a significant role in the structure of oligo-and polynucleotides [l -31 and in a variety of enzymatic reactions [4-61 is the orientation of the heterocyclic base about the glycosidic bond. For monomers in solution, there is a rapid dynamic equilibrium between the two extreme conformations syn and anti [7 -91. It is consequently difficult to determine accurately the glycosidic torsion angles, x, for these forms, since the parameters measured by NMR spectroscopy are the weighted means of the two. For purine nucleosides this applies in particular to the coupling constants between H(1') and C(4) or C(8), related to x by the Karplus relation [lo].We have described a procedure for evaluating syn and anti conformer populations for purine nucleosides and nucleotides [9, 1 I] and analogues [12-141 from the values of the chemical shifts of the sugar protons and carbons. This is based on a comparison of chemical shifts, mainly of H(2'), of the nucleoside in question with its model syn and anti analogues (Schemes 1 and 2). Conformer populations are then calculated from Eqn (l), with appropriate corections of the chemical shift values resulting from differences in conformations of the exocyclic 5'-CH,OH (or 5'-CH,OPOg -for nucleotides) according to Eqn (2), below. For nucleotides these corrections were introduced by hindsight, with the aid of the anti-gauchegauche analogues of 5'AMP which, from preliminary data, are close to 100 % anti and 70 % gauche-gauche [ll].The symmetrical character of the spectra made difficult unequivocal assignments of 'H signals of H(2') and H(3') in R and 5 ' epimers of 8,5'-cycloadenosine and their 5'-phosphates, as well as in the model anti analogues, derivatives of 8,5'-cyclo-8-oxopurine nucleosides. This difficulty has now been circumvented, as shown below.Initial analyses of 13C c...