Abstract. The objective of this paper is to formulate two distinct supersymmetric (SUSY) extensions of the Gauss-Weingarten and Gauss-Codazzi (GC) equations for conformally parametrized surfaces immersed in a Grassmann superspace, one in terms of a bosonic superfield and the other in terms of a fermionic superfield. We perform this analysis using a superspace-superfield formalism together with a SUSY version of a moving frame on a surface. In constrast with the classical case, where we have three GC equations, we obtain six such equations in the bosonic SUSY case and four such equations in the fermionic SUSY case. In the fermionic case the GC equations resemble the form of the classical GC equations. We determine the Lie symmetry algebra of the classical GC equations to be infinite-dimensional and perform a subalgebra classification of the one-dimensional subalgebras of its largest finite-dimensional subalgebra. We then compute superalgebras of Lie point symmetries of the bosonic and fermionic SUSY GC equations respectively, and classify the onedimensional subalgebras of each superalgebra into conjugacy classes. We then use the symmetry reduction method to find invariants, orbits and reduced systems for two one-dimensional subalgebras for the classical case, two one-dimensional subalgebras for the bosonic SUSY case and two one-dimensional subalgebras for the fermionic SUSY case. We find explicit solutions of these reduced SUSY systems, which correspond to different surfaces immersed in a Grassmann superspace. Within this framework for the SUSY versions of the GC equations, a geometrical interpretation of the results is discussed.