Fuzzy utility mining has been an emerging research issue because of its comprehensibility and fitting to real data sets. Various researches such as association rules mining (ARM), frequent pattern, fuzzy based frequent pattern and utility based frequent pattern mining have been carried out. However, there has been a little research focusing on fuzzy utility based webpage sets mining from weblog databases. Hence, this work high fuzzy utility based webpage sets mining (HFUBWSM) contributes in developing an efficient fuzzy utility strategy to discover frequent webpage sets from web log database. Here, downward closure property in fuzzy sets is applied for pruning the large space by minimum fuzzy utility threshold value (MFUTV) and user defined percentile (UDP). The Experimental evaluation shows that HFUBWSM outperforms the existing algorithms-IHUP, UP-Growth, FHM and HUI-Miner in terms of running time and memory consumption.