“…For example, various hybrid circuits have been developed such as non-volatile magnetic adder [9]- [12], non-volatile magnetic decoder [13], non-volatile logic gates [14], magnetic flip-flop [15]- [19], magnetic look up table [20]- [23] for reprogrammable logic circuits and recently polymorphic gate module [24]. There are various circuit and their applications that are also developed using many other spintronic devices, such as spin valves [7], [25], [26], ferroelectric tunnel junctions (FTJs) [27]- [29], domain wall (DW) based magnetic nano wires [30]- [38], all spin logic (ASL) based devices [39]- [41], SPIN-transistors [7], [25], [26], 3-D magnetic ratchet etc., [25], [26], [42]. All these spintronic devices exploit the spin degree of freedom along with the charge on the electrons.…”